4 April 2009

THE Most Embarrassing Thing Happened Todayy

Today I went shopping with my friend Allie, and we went into H&M to try on some clothes. We picked up about 15 - 20 items of clothing and went to try them on in the changing rooms.
Earlier that day I had bought a Diet Coke and some Mentos (you can see where this is going), and I took them into the changing rooms with me while me and Allie tried on clothes.
To take a break from trying on clothes, I decided to drink some coke, and then I decided to dip the mento in the coke and see what happened.
Not a good idea.
I accidentally dropped the mento into the coke bottle, and the coke suddenly spurted everywhere. All over me and Allie, all over the floor, on the walls and on the clothes we were trying on, EVERYWHERE. Literally.
A member of staff came running in, having heard the spilling.
Iwascompletely mortified, and just ran straight past the member of staff and out of the shop, forgetting to put my clothes back on.

Something I have learned today:

Never put mentos in coke. Not even raspberry mentos. And especially not when you're in a shop.
And if you ever spill coke in the changing rooms, make sure you put your clothes back on before you run away screaming.
xoxo Roxy

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