27 March 2009

Feet & Shoes

Im not at school today. And guess why? Cuz I have seven blisters on my right foot.
I can't actually walk.
So, in my ultimate boredom, I have decided to hobble over to my laptop and blog. About blisters.
Most of you will have experienced blisters - they are pretty common, expecially when yu're wearing new shoes.

So this is what to do when you have them, or if you have that sort of rubbing feeling when you're about to get one.

1. Wash your feet in a tub of water.
2. Basically pile on all the creams you have: moisturizers, anti-ageing creams, anti-septics, soap, shampoo, bubble bath, e.t.c. Rub them all into your feet.
3. Put some TCP or something like that onto a piece of cotton wool and rub all the blistering areas.
4. Then put on plasters.

There you go. That's my method for treating blisters. It seriously works, but if you think it sounds a bit weird you're probably right.

xoxo Roxy

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